I have had some far-out big dreams for my life since I became a Christian.
Because for the first time I felt as though I could dream big. Because I came to understand that if I was doing something for God, he could give me whatever I needed to get there.
Some of them include...
-working at an orphanage in Morocco
-dropping everything to do missionary work wherever God calls me
-working in Children's Ministry
-working in Youth Ministry
-working in Adult Ministry
-teaching elementary school
-joining the Peace Corps
Some of them can be eliminated from the list because of having experiences in that area and just realizing it wasn't for me...and others I think I have mentally erased because I felt like I was dreaming too big....
Am I?!?
It's so easy to get comfortable where you are in life. Being a college student, I go to class, do my homework, hang out with friends, lead a small group, go to cru, etc etc. and all the while I am realizing that it has been MONTHS since I have REALLY challenged myself.
Being a senior in college is exciting/difficult/nerve wracking. I am excited to move onto the next chapter of my life buuuuut....what if you don't know what's going to be in that chapter? Like not even the TITLE of the chapter? It freaks me out.
All I know is, I need to begin to challenge myself again. I need to feel uncomfortable. I need to start taking leaps of faith.
Because God can do great things through me. He can do great things through you. Heck, look at what he did with Paul. This guy was a murder/persecutor of Christians. He had complete hatred for them. Then God turns his life upside down and he finds himself preaching to these people, encouraging their faith, and bringing people to Jesus. Or my man Moses. Moses apparently did not have any skills in the public speaking arena. He was a simple guy, with a simple job, and a simple life. Then all of a sudden God asks him to lead this huge group of people out of captivity and to PART THE RED SEA. I bet he never imagined that God would use him to such a great capacity.
What do they both have in common? They both stepped out in faith AND they both must have been scared to do so.
The way God got Paul's attention was to make him temporarily BLIND. Scary. Also, God called Paul to speak to both Jews and Gentiles. Hmm that's a bit scary considering the fact that the guy had just converted from Judaism to Christianity annnnd he had been killing the Gentiles. I'm sure he thought that maybe both of these groups were a LITTLE annoyed with him.
And as I said about Moses. He was a simple guy. It says when he was having a conversation with God that he kept trying to tell God that he was not a very eloquent speaker, so imagine his surprise when God asks him to speak to the PHARAOH among other important people.
You never know what God is going to ask you to do.
I think I stopped listening. I stopped listening because usually when God asks me to do something, it involves that step of faith. It involves me trusting that he isn't going to make me look stupid or that my efforts will not amount to anything.
So I've posted a few verses on my wall. One of them being....
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.
What is your BIG dream? What are you passionate about? Don't let fear get in the way of pursuing it.