Sunday, November 9, 2008

Seriously God, Where Are You?

Although I may be an introvert, I love hanging out with people.  Yes, I do need my alone time or the 'tude starts to come out, but for the most part being with friends and family is something that lifts me up.

Let's bring God into this.  Yes, from my blog it's pretty clear that I am a Christian and believe in God.  Great.  Wonderful.  Along with that comes many being that I get to spend my afterlife (eternity-ish) being joyful beyond my wildest dreams.

So when I get to heaven I'll get to meet God.  Hang out with him.  

But what about now?  Yes everyone tells me I need to...
"Talk to Him"
"Tell Him everything"
"Spend time with Him"

And this can happen by doing the following...
reading the Bible
singing worship songs
serving other people

I get it.  I understand what I need to do to hang out with God.  But you can't tell me that it is not REALLY difficult to chill with someone you can't see, can't audibly hear (unless you are Moses), or can't even hug.  

It's got to be possible to "hang out" with God.  Two years ago, closer to when I first became a Christian, I had no problem with this.  I could literally spend an hour or two reading and praying and felt as though I had really spent time with God, that He was completely present.

Maybe it's that whole feelings piece.  No I can't feel God, but that doesn't mean He isn't there.  He's always there.  He's everywhere.  I do believe that, but when I am hurting or need comfort and I know it can only come from would be great just to get a hug from Him.  

I'd like to bring this blog to a close with a nice "lesson learned" paragraph or a scripture that made it all better for me...but I can't.  I really do not have an answer to my struggle.  I am trusting that if I continue to bring this issue to God, he will eventually help me to understand.  I am thankful for the fact that God wants me to be open and honest about stuff like this.  

All I know is...once I start to resolve this issue with God, there is always going to be another question or doubt that I am struggling with...and that's okay.  I think it's even okay that I may be a bit angry with Him because I just want Him to be PHYSICALLY present.  

I am glad that God is real and wants me to be genuine with Him in our relationship.  

Hmmm....that makes me want to give Him a high five.  Darn it.

1 comment:

Adam Flora said...

I have a little bit of a different point of view than a lot of people. The God in my life is much more of a Fearful and Powerful Father than a "buddy" or "pal". Ever since we were cut off from walking with God in the garden there has been this MASSIVE divide between us and God.

I think it's stupid to pretend that divide isn't there. Of course God is working in our lives... in what way? NO ONE KNOWS!

I would say the best way to form that "close" relationship with him that everyone talks about is living your life to the fullest. Take some chances. Tell the Gospel to some peeps you wouldn't normally tell. Really think about WHY you do what you do. Really challenge your faith Mandy, I think you will be surprised by what you find.

You're an AWESOME girl mandizzle, I admire your transparency!

-Love and Adventure
