God has this amazing way of using people to speak for Him.
Yesterday, a good friend of mind said to me..."Mandy I'm not sure where this came from, and it may be irrelevant, but I'm supposed to tell you that you are good enough."
After this, I went on a rant to another friend that I wanted so badly to learn to play the drums or guitar so that I could be "cool." He must have sensed the undertones of inadequacy communicated in that sentence. He turned around and said something along the lines of, "Mandy you have to stop thinking like that. You don't need to do that stuff to be cool, you are fine the way you are."
I live in America, where it is so important to "get ahead" and to be "at the top." I have to admit that I fall into this trap time and time again. Whether it's my appearance, my personality, or my talents, sometimes (a lot of the time) I just don't think I measure up.
This is a lie.
A big
I feel for people who experience this oppression in their lives. I know what it's like to chase and chase annnnnd chase things that you think will make you "better" in one way or another.
What I'm pursuing right now, fervently, is the truth in all of these lies. I know it to be true (mostly intellectualy) that God, the Creator of all things, loves me through and through for EXACTLY who I am. Now I need to let this sink deep into my heart, into the core of my being.
How much easier would life be if we just accepted ourselves for who we are instead of fighting to become what we THINK we need to be?
This is the Truth that God is offering us. He really did mean it when He said,
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."--Matthew 11:28
I need to drop this heavy load of unacceptance.
Thanks for sharing this. I appreciate your words and your reminder that we only have to be what God is calling us to be-and that is NOT perfect and/or like everyone else.
Awesome Post Mandizzle. Spread this to the world. They need to hear it.
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