Friday, June 27, 2008

Top Five Reasons Why I Blog

1. Sharing silly, fun, interesting, or useful things that are on the web
2. Being able to pick out a nice little picture that goes with each post (so fun)
3. To share with others a bit of wisdom that God decides to throw my way at any given time (mostly through mistakes I've made)
4. Two words.....analytics baby. For those of you regular bloggers out there...you know what I'm talking about. When people from across the world are checkin out your blog...you can't tell me you don't feel a bit like a superstar
5. It has helped me develop and grow as a person. Not only does it keep my writing skills sharp, but blogging helps me to continue to acknowledge what is going on in my life. I consider blogging to be therapeutic and a great way to reflect.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Happy Median

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Nanny Diaries
I have been a babysitter for years now, probably since the age of about 14 when I started watching my little brother and sister for a few hours while my mom ran errands. The thing that is different about this summer is that I watch this little lady 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. I can't say that I wasn't a bit nervous about this situation. I love kids, but how would I keep her happy and content everyday, all day? So far, things have been going really well. We have become pretty good pals....as good as pals a 1 year old and 22 year old can be at least.
Through spending time with this little youngster, I have had to learn how to be more self-sacrificial. She depends on me all day for not only her basic needs, but for someone to make her laugh and comfort her while mom and dad are busy at work. Sometimes it's hard, other times it's amazing. I see myself developing a deep love for my little pal. I'm sure it's comparable, on a smaller scale, to what a parent feels for their child.
I guess what I'm trying to say is....being a parent must be hard, really hard...but it sure does seem to have it's rewards as well.
The hard stuff: temper tantrums that end with yogurt all over the floor or in some one's hair
The reward: watching her make a new discovery or getting an unexpected toddler hug
I appreciate God giving me the opportunity this summer to take a small glimpse into the life of a parent. I expect big things for this little lady...she has amazing parents and quite a vivacious little personality. I feel privileged to be able to assist in her development and growth...even if it's only a short time. I'm prepared for many more challenges...and rewards...the rest of the summer and I'm excited to see what God will do in my heart through this job.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A Coffee Catastrophe....Avoided
I love coffee. Over the years, my taste for coffee has become more....oh let's say....refined. I used to be okay with your run of the mill brands, I think I was even able to drink some generic stuff back in the day. Ever since an internship at my church last summer, spent with some coffee fanatics...I will never be able to return to these second rate brands. What I'm trying to say is...I am a Starbucks snob.
I never thought it would happen. I must have been a bit naive thinking I could just start drinking Starbucks and then go back to it's not so "gourmet" competitor. This is not the case. No, I cannot personally afford to buy myself Starbucks all the time...but I do try to buy one or two brands that I would say come close to measuring up to the greatness that Starbucks coffee is, but they aren't much cheaper.
So last Sunday I made an amazing discovery. I went through my normal Sunday morning routine...wake up....get ready...and then go down for breakfast and to brew up a good cup of joe to TAKE with me to church in a to-go mug (because I'm usually running late). The problem was, I was running much later than usual and so I didn't have time to even take coffee to go.
This could have been a disaster...because whether it's psychological or not...if I don't have a GOOD cup of coffee in the morning, I feel like I'm missing something. That's a bit hard to admit...but it's true. So I get to church and decide to SETTLE for some coffee that the hospitality team has brewed up. Now I am not by any means knocking the hospitality team. They are a great group of people who supply some good eats and hot coffee for us every Sunday morning. The reason I said I would settle is because in my mind, I'm thinking that they are using one of those second rate or even third rate brands of coffee that my sophisticated pallet wouldn't enjoy. ;)
As I'm pouring myself a cup...I notice that behind the carafe is a box full of coffee bags. I peer into the box to see which brand they decided to settle for. Inside the box are bags full of Starbucks....yes Starbucks....coffee. At this point...I think I may have scared the woman serving the coffee because I grab a bag, pick it up, hold it in the air, and literally yell, "YOU GUYS SERVE STARBUCKS! THAT'S AMAZING...I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" and some other nonsense that decides to fly out of my mouth.
So yes...friends...if you are a coffee lover like myself and find yourself constantly craving "the good stuff" make sure you come to the hospitality table at CCV on Sunday morning because there my friends is the king of the coffee world....Starbucks...flowing freely for you to enjoy while chatting with friends or sitting in service.
Whoever is responsible for this...I thank you. :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yoga-Day 2

we did it