For the past few months I have been experiencing really intense back pain. For a young lady who likes to stay active, this has really caused me frustration because there have been days that I have spent my entire time on the couch with a heating pad. When I experience this back pain, I feel a bit older than my 22 year old self. Not only have I been using a heating pad, but I've been popping Bayer aspirin and using those sticky icy-hot bandages.
Nothing works.
I even went as far as to go to the doctor and get x-rays. Basically the doc told me that I have been carrying all of my stress in my back.
Anyway, I wanted to let you all in on my new endeavor. I am going to start a 3 week yoga commitment. I tried a quick yoga video the other day and felt pretty darn good afterward. My back pain was minimized and I felt energized. I just finished a 30 minute yoga video that was a bit more difficult....and let me say...I feel AMAZING!
Could this be the end of my back pain? I hope so! I'd like to not touch Bayer aspirin again for another oooh 40 or 50 years.
I'll keep you updated :)
p.s. no, I am not able to do what that lady is doing in the picture....yet ;)
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